Automation & Optimisation

Streamline core processes for speed and efficiency

Unlock potential in systems that matter to people and the business bottom line.

Streamline operations, reduce manual errors, and enable intelligent workflows

Business process automation isn’t new but emerging technologies make it easier than ever to automate tedious and repetitive manual workflows. Our platform agnostic-approach applies low code automation, robotic process automation (RPA), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to optimise operations and free your team up to focus on higher value activities.


Orchestrate your processes across people and systems

As a certified Gold Camunda Partner, we assist organisations with Camunda-based projects, embedding Camunda developers or architects in your team. We use deep knowledge of Camunda's process automation platform to help you design, implement, and optimise complex workflows to maximise the value of your Camunda investment.

Photo of Nodero staff working and collaborating together
Microsoft Power Platform

Create apps, automate processes, harness your data, and more

Our team of certified Microsoft specialists will solve your business challenges more creatively, using Microsoft’s Power Platform Ecosystem of low-code tools to build custom business applications, analyse data, automate workflows, and create virtual assistants.

Process mapping

Optimise processes with expert process mapping

Work with a Nodero business analyst to refine your organisational processes and standard operating procedures. We use your preferred tools – such as ProMap, Flowingly, and Visio – to pinpoint improvements that will reduce your costs, enhance productivity, and help you be more agile.

Explore our work

100+ projects, 2000+ people reached, 100,000+ smiles and nods of approval. We can make your technology more human too.

Photo of Palmerston North Square from Above

Palmerston North City Council

Partners in innovation: Palmerston North City Council and Nodero

How an enduring technology partnership has helped the Council pursue their vision.

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Screenshot of custom application for Levno


UI design architecture key to scaling killer app

Levno’s successful monitoring and alerting app is a hit with farmers and their commercial partners.

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Get a taste of our thinking
Photo of Nodero staff working together

AI: Where to start now to win big in the future

Ever since ChatGPT burst into the public domain in 2022, businesses have obsessed on generative AI and how it can be used to do certain tasks faster and better.

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Photo of Nodero staff working together

Nodero ALGIM partnership aims to bridge gap between humans and technology

Conference initiative will explore the potential of AI to deliver digital experiences with more humanity.

Coming Soon
Photo of Nodero staff working together

Camunda workflow automation

Why automation is doomed without process orchestration. Here are three reasons why automation is getting harder and what you can do about it.

Coming Soon

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